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Katie Sklar, Director of Individual Giving

RIPHIL • April 10, 2020


MEET THE STAFF: Katie Sklar, Director of Individual Giving

Where did you grow up? Delmar, NY – a small town outside of Albany.

What is your favorite song, artist, musical memory? Hearing the BSO perform Dvorak’s New World Symphony when I was a senior in high school. That was actually the first time I heard a live professional orchestra. My youth orchestra (Empire State Youth Orchestra) was performing that piece the following month – I was principal horn – and friends took me to the performance and backstage to meet their principal horn, Charles Kavalovski.

Favorite meal or restaurant? Sushi in general. My favorite restaurant was L’espeliar in Boston – the original in the townhouse off Newbury Street. That’s where my husband and I got engaged. Here in Providence, hands down, it is Persimmon’s on Hope Street.

Coffee or Tea? Coffee – just one cup.

You’re stuck on a desert island… What Book, Music/Album/Artist and Movie do you want with you? Book – only one?!? How about anything by Steinbeck or Weiner. Need to balance the heavy with the light. Music – Mahler and U2. Movie – Somewhere in Time.

What’s your pet situation? I have a 10 year old daughter (ha!)

What’s your title and how would you describe your role? Director of Individual Giving – I see my role as sharing the mission, programs, and stories of RIPO&MS in a way that encourages and inspires people to join our community – as supporters and concert attendees.

How long have you been at the RI Phil? One year – started February 7, 2019.

What brought you to the RI Phil? Have long admired the Phil. Actually applied for a job 15 years ago…

What do you want people to know about the RI Phil? It is an organization that is changing lives in so many ways – from our great concerts to our education programs. Our Link Up concluding concerts are the best way to see both parts of our mission in action, coming to life with our professional musicians on stage and students performing in the audience.

How are you keeping yourself occupied while being at home all day? Lots of early morning power walks and spin classes. And playing games and making mandalas with my daughter.

Any words of wisdom to help others through this? Reach out to someone new every day – by phone, not email or text. Take this opportunity to connect with people who were at all points in your life.

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