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401.248.7070 | 667 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914
How did you get started in music?
I heard a chamber group from the Chicago Symphony play a concert at my elementary school and fell in love with the idea of being a musician. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER CUT FUNDING TO SCHOOL OUTREACH PROGRAMS!!!!!!!!!!!
When did you join the Rhode Island Philharmonic?
What are your non-RIPO musical activities?
Portland Symphony, Vermont Symphony, PORT Opera, New Hampshire Music Festival, assorted chamber music and period instrument groups.
What is your favorite RIPO memory to date?
The recent Shostakovich 11 concert, tied in with the Q&A following the previous performance of the piece when the old lady in the audience flummoxed Larry by demanding to know why we didn't program repertoire like that on every concert.
If you couldn’t be a musician, what would be your dream job?
If I couldn't be a musician, I'd be a patient in a psychiatric ward.
What are your non-musical hobbies?
Knitting, baking, cheese-making and sarcasm.
Who or what has been your greatest influence, musical or otherwise?
My father.
What is your favorite music? What are you currently listening to?
My favorite music is whatever I am currently listening to or performing.
What/where do you like to eat in the Providence area?
Too many choices to list.