401.248.7070 | 667 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914
Requirements for each instrument:
(7th – 9th grade musicians)
Scales: Concert key of B-flat, E-flat and F major (except for drummers)
Solo: Jazz or Rock tune, Jazz or Rock etude or Classical solo of your choice
(10th – 12th grade musicians)
Scales: Chromatic 2 octaves, Major scales up to 4 sharps and 4 flats (except for drummers)
Solo: Jazz or Rock tune, Jazz or Rock etude or Classical solo of your choice
Optional: Improvisation – Solo in F Blues
minor 7b5 chords; the Blues progression
2024/2025 Audition Dates:
- Tuesday, May 21st from 3:30pm - 7:30pm
- Wednesday, May 22nd from 3:30pm - 7:30pm
- Friday, May 31st from 3:30pm - 7:30pm
Auditions are also available by appointment by contacting Elliott Eastman at eeastman@riphil.org or 401-248-7038.
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Support The Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra & Music School
The Rhode Island Philharmonic is funded in part by a grant from the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts, through an appropriation by the Rhode Island General Assembly, a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and private funders. Financial support is also provided by the Providence Tourism Council.
Main: 401.248.7070
Box Office: 401.248.7000
Music School: 401.248.7001
Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra & Music School | 667 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914.
All Rights Reserved | Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra & Music School.