Repertory Orchestra Requirements


FOR Repertory Orchestra

This is our entry-level full concert orchestra 

For some students, this is their first experience with a symphonic orchestra which includes woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments. This ensemble performs original compositions and arrangements of orchestral standards. Rehearsals consist of work across all sections of the orchestra. Ensemble work requires students to practice independently and in a group setting. Musicians learn the basic skills of performing with all orchestral instruments.

Techniques and Skills Required for this Ensemble

  • Student can shift fluently up to fifth position (string players)
  • Student can demonstrate and identify different styles of music
  • Student plays with expression
  • Student performs with contrasting dynamics
  • Student performs with a quality, centered tone
  • Student can perform a range of articulations
  • Student performs with artistic maturity

2025-2026 In-Person Audition Dates

  • Saturday June 7th from 9:00am - 1:00pm
  • Friday June 13th from 5:00pm - 8:00pm
  • Saturday June 14th from 9:00am - 1:00pm



Scales (suggested tempo is quarter note = 60)

  • Major Scales (3 octaves, one note per bow): A-flat, A, B-flat, B, C, D 
  • Melodic Minor Scales (3 octaves, one note per bow): g, a, b, c, d 
  • Major Scales (2 octaves, one note per bow): E-flat, E, F
  • Melodic Minor Scales (2 octaves, one note per bow): e, f

Violin Excerpts

Suggested Solos

  • Concertos by Haydn, Berio, and Rode 
  • Any solo from Suzuki Book 6 and 7 


Scales (suggested tempo is quarter note = 60)

  • Major Scales (3 octaves, one note per bow): D-flat, D, E-flat, E, F, G 
  • Melodic Minor Scales (3 octaves, one note per bow): c, d, e, f, g 
  • Major Scales (2 octaves, one note per bow): A-flat, A, B-flat 
  • Melodic Minor Scales (2 octaves, one note per bow): a, b

Viola Excerpts

 Suggested Solos

  • Accolay Concerto
  • Any solo from Suzuki Book 6 and 7 
  • Frank Bridge Four Pieces
  • Handel B Minor 
  • Sitt Albumblatter
  • Excerpts from any 2 movements from Bach’s Suites for Cello (any viola edition)



  • All major & melodic minor scales in 2 octaves 
  • C Major Scale in 3 octaves 

Cello Excerpts

Suggested Solos

  • Bach Cello Suite #1 (pick two contrasting movements/no Minuet) 
  • Marcello sonatas 
  • Any solo from Suzuki Book 6 and 7 



  • All major & melodic minor scales in 1 octave

Bass Excerpts

Suggested Solo

  • Marcello Sonata in G Minor



  • All major scales in 2 octaves or student’s full range
  • Chromatic scale at student’s full range

Suggested Solos

  • Present a movement or two of a standard concerto, sonata, or other District/All-State level contest piece.
  • Students will be able to present about 4 minutes of their prepared piece.
  • Be sure to include contrasting materials – there should be music in both fast and slow tempi, displaying articulation and legato, with dynamic contrast and control



  • All major scales across complete range on mallets

Suggested Solos

  • Snare Drum: FF and pp drum rolls, as well as a single roll which begins pp, crescendos to FF and diminuendos to pp over 10 seconds. Please prepare a solo selection which displays your best abilities and demonstrates an understanding of rudiments, presented at least at a moderately paced tempo.
  • Timpani: Present a selection which demonstrates rolls, 4 drum stick technique, and some minimum amount of tuning.
  • Mallets: Present a selection which demonstrates your best abilities. Include music in both slow and fast tempi.

2025/2026 Audition Dates:

All Youth Ensemble Auditions for the 2025-2026 season will take place in person here at the Music school. Please contact Elliott Eastman for inquiries at or 401-248-7038.

Ready To Get Started? 


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