401.248.7070 | 667 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914
Wind Ensemble is for Intermediate to Advanced Middle and High School Students
2025-2026 In-Person Audition Dates
The following scales from memory for all instruments:
Solo or Etude selection of your choice, representative of the concert literature for your instrument
All students will be asked to sightread at their audition (music will be provided)
For the online auditions, percussionists should prepare selections on snare drum. Students are encouraged to prepare selections on timpani and mallets if possible, but these instruments are optional for the audition.
Additionally, please prepare a solo selection which displays your best abilities. Be sure to include a selection which demonstrates understanding of rudiments and presents at least a moderately-paced tempo.
Present a selection which demonstrates rolls, 4 drum stick technique, and some minimum amount of tuning.
Students may demonstrate a 2 or 4 mallet technique. Present a selection which demonstrates your best abilities. Include music in both slow and fast tempos.
Sightreading will not be included in online auditions. Students who are accepted into RIPYWE will be asked to sightread at their seating auditions in the fall.
2025-2026 In-Person Audition Dates
Be prepared to play all major scales – students could be asked to play in any key. Each scale should be played in 2 or 3 octaves, if possible. Students should present the scales with facility – at least as eighth notes at a metronome mark of 100 BPM. See details regarding minimum range (requirements are transposed for each instrument):
All instruments: Chromatic scale from the bottom of their range to the top, and returning down.
Present a movement or two of a standard Concerto, Sonata, or other District/All-State level contest piece. If no solo is available at this time, comparable Etudes from an instrument-specific method book may be substituted. Students will be able to present about 4 minutes of their prepared piece. Be sure to include contrasting materials – there should be music in both fast and slow tempos; displaying articulation and legato; navigating syncopations; displaying technical facility across the full range; with dynamics and instrumental control; etc. Feel free to create a plan of sections from a larger work in order to present your best capabilities in the limited timeframe; be careful to retain context.
All students will be asked to sightread at their audition (music will be provided)
For the online auditions, percussionists should prepare selections on snare drum. Students are encouraged to prepare selections on timpani and mallets if possible, but these instruments are optional for the audition.
Additionally, please prepare a solo selection which displays your best abilities. Be sure to include a selection which demonstrates understanding of rudiments and presents at least a moderately-paced tempo.
Present a selection which demonstrates rolls, 4 drum stick technique, and some minimum amount of tuning.
Students may demonstrate a 2 mallet technique, but 4 mallet technique is preferred for Symphonic Winds. Present a selection which demonstrates your best abilities. Include music in both slow and fast tempos. Symphonic Winds students must be prepared to play all major scales across complete range.
Sightreading will not be included in online auditions. Students who are accepted into RIPYWE will be asked to sightread at their seating auditions in the fall.
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The Rhode Island Philharmonic is funded in part by a grant from the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts, through an appropriation by the Rhode Island General Assembly, a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and private funders. Financial support is also provided by the Providence Tourism Council.
Main: 401.248.7070
Box Office: 401.248.7000
Music School: 401.248.7001
Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra & Music School | 667 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914.
All Rights Reserved | Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra & Music School.