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Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra Appoints New Second Clarinet
Clarinetist Steven Zhang will begin new role at Season 2022-23 opener at The VETS
Following auditions held in April, Steven Zhang has been named as the new Second Clarinet of the Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra.
Mr. Zhang grew up in Vernon Hills, a suburb of Chicago. He joined a local youth orchestra in 7th grade and fell in love with orchestral playing. He received a Bachelor of Music in Clarinet Performance from Northwestern University in 2019, studying with Steven Cohen and J. Lawrie Bloom. Zhang is currently a clarinetist in the United States Coast Guard Band, and performs with its clarinet quartet as well.
Mr. Zhang was the winner of the Northwestern Concerto/Aria Competition in 2018, and performed the Corigliano Clarinet Concerto with the Northwestern Symphony Orchestra in 2019. “I think the Corigliano is one of the greatest works composed for the clarinet, and I spent about six months learning the piece. Winning the concerto competition and getting to perform the piece was an amazing experience,” says Zhang. Summer festival performances include Aspen Music Festival and the Pacific Region International Summer Music Association Festival.