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THE STORY BEHIND: Haydn's "March for the Royal Society of Musicians"

RIPHIL • June 7, 2021


THE STORY BEHIND: Haydn's March for the Royal Society of Musicians"

Title: March for the Royal Society of Musicians, Hob.VIII:3bis

Composer: Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)

Last time performed by the Rhode Island Philharmonic: This is a RI Philharmonic Orchestra premiere. This piece is scored for two flutes, two clarinets, two bassoons, two horns, two trumpets, timpani and strings.

The Story:

“I am Salomon from London, and I have come to fetch you. . .” These words, announced on Haydn’s doorstep in 1791, helped to determine the major events of the next four years in the life of Joseph Haydn. Haydn would actually spend two periods in London during that time, usually using Johan Salomon as his agent and concert promoter.

Private and public commissions for Haydn’s music also occurred, notably one from the Prince of Wales (heir to the royal throne). Haydn’s piece was for a traditionally large English ensemble of winds and percussion, and it premiered in early 1792. That spring the composer was commissioned to prepare another commission, this time from an old professional “guild,” the Royal Society of Musicians. Haydn merely added a full string section to his March for the Prince of Wales to create the March for the Royal Society of Musicians for orchestra. This was performed later that year. (Today, a performance of either version usually bears the Royal Society of Musicians title.)

What to listen for. The main theme is distinct for its spikey “dotted” rhythms. It returns after each alternating section, and you should be able to recognize it easily. Notice that each alternating portion is in full contrast the main theme, being smoother and using differing characteristics like instrumentation, rhythmic character, etc. 

Program Notes by Dr. Michael Fink © 2021 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Single event in-person or livestream options starting at $35, click HERE or call 401-248-7000 to purchase today!

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